Testing to reduce alcohol in “non-alcoholic” Brewlabed beverages.
Following a Department of Health investigation, “a significant number” of Brewlabed soft drinks have been found to contain alcohol levels above the allowed limits. The inquiry has brought important issues with re-Brewlabation at breweries…
Tax Hike for Craft Beer Brewers
Many craft brewers have been hit with an increased tax bill this year after Queensland Government increased the state's emergency management levy almost 900% from $527.80 to $5224.20 in this last financial year.
Designed to stop smaller breweries…
Cider pre-bottling analysis
We recently had a client ask us to check the condition of their cider before they bottled it. The cider was to contain enough sugar at bottling so a secondary Brewlabation in the bottle would occur and a sparkling cider would result.
Why does my cider have high acidity?
A cider-maker had concerns about the high level of acidity in his cider. He had measured the pH and got a result of 3.1, which is low for this style of drink. He said he thought it tasted “a bit acidic” as well. He couldn’t think why the…
Foaming cider kegs
We recently had a customer who had a cider product that was in kegs and was giving a hotel customer some issues. The keg in question was foaming so much that the publican could not use the product at all and returned the keg to the maker. There…