Managing alcohol content from brew to packaging
Our GM Greg Howell joined the team from the IBA today, as part of their Virtual Mashup series. They discuss Managing Alcohol Content from Brew to Packaging. Check it out and let us know what you think.
ATO Clamps down on ‘illicit’ alcohol
Following the recent survey by Queensland Health that found that only 20 per cent of samples it tested returned acceptable levels of variance of alcohol, The Australian Tax Office has issued a warning to retailers about ‘illicit alcohol’…
Brewing quality, testing and BIRA
Some great listening to be had on the latest Brewery Pro podcast. Most interestingly, find out about a pilot study by Queensland Health showing the ABV of 25 craft beers and comparing the results to the ABV declared on the label...…
Do you rehydrate your dry yeast as manufacturers recommend?
Dr Roger weighs in on the conversation...
The rehydration of dry yeast is often discussed amongst craft brewers; many people direct pitch, even though the manufacturers recommend and describe the method for rehydration. Here is some background:
What Supplies Are Needed For a DIY Beer Test?
Want to brew better? Improve your testing game and you’ll improve your brew. By staying in the loop with the latest standards for beer testing, your DIY brewing process will always be at its peak. To help you out, the experts at Brewlab have…
Testing to reduce alcohol in “non-alcoholic” Brewlabed beverages.
Following a Department of Health investigation, “a significant number” of Brewlabed soft drinks have been found to contain alcohol levels above the allowed limits. The inquiry has brought important issues with re-Brewlabation at breweries…
Tax Hike for Craft Beer Brewers
Many craft brewers have been hit with an increased tax bill this year after Queensland Government increased the state's emergency management levy almost 900% from $527.80 to $5224.20 in this last financial year.
Designed to stop smaller breweries…
The Small-but-sophisticated Award went to Winechek (Formerly Vintessential) Tasmania
Greer Carland and I (Annie Baldwin) were ever so delighted to receive the inaugural BIRA ‘Small but Sophisticated Laboratory of the year’ for 2018. We have proudly placed our award for all to see in our reception area.
A bit about…